2011/07/29 8:24

Aloha, it's Kukui.
I went to Amelia Earhart in Hawaii, Photo Exhibition at the Pacific Aviation Museum on Sunday, July 24th.
Happy Birthday, Amelia! Sunday July 24, Hangar 37, Pacific Aviation Museum Pearl Harbor. The Ford Island museum and aviation attraction opens its new Amelia Earhart in Hawaii Photo Exhibit, with exclusive Earhart photos courtesy of Matson Navigation Company. There aere an entertainment, birthday cake and punch for all Museum visitors celebrated the famous aviator's 114th birthday. The Museum fronts Luke Field on Ford Island, where Ms. Earhart ground looped her Lockheed Electra on take-off March 20, 1937, while attempting her Round-the-World Flight.

All visitors to the Museum are invited to enter the "Amelia for a Day" Look Alike Contest to win prizes for those who dress & re-enact aviator Earhart. First, second, and third place prizes will be awarded. She is one of nominators.

The Birthday Cake looks so yummy......

You should go this cool museum and great exhibition.
More information.....www.pacificaviationmuseum.org/index.html
By Kukui
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