2011/03/22 7:36

Aloha, it's Kukui.
Are you tired already or want to to feel refleshed? Then go to "Oasis Spa @ Ala Moana"!
I have tried this Foot reflexology and got so much refleshing from "Oasis Spa".
It's located behind Ala Moana Shopping Center. You walk in Kona st. and see this sign.

The couch is so comfortable.....

They server a cup of organic herbal tea.
You have to get water a lot because broken down toxins are passed through lymph nodes and passed out of your body.

Yuki who is one of therapist in Oasis Spa was moved by this massage method, and through Tomo, my interest in reflexology mounted and with her training, started working here.
She has strong finger pressure and knows all pointe well.

After Yuki touched my foot, she said 'your foot is so hard. That's mean you are very tired!'
Oh I did not know I was tired. However I had a pain at my left shoulder since a year ago.
After this therapy, that pain was gone!!! You know, this is true experience for me.

Reflexology is popular now in Japan.
Oasis Spa has 90% Local customer.
Before I had, one loco customer had Yuki's massage and she made a next appointment after.
Now I know why people want to come again this reflexology. You can keep your body maintenance well.
The owner Tomoko otsuka in the center.

You're better to go Oasis Spa and get back your healthy!
By Kukui
1430 Kona st. #203
Honolulu, HI 96814
Monday~Saturday 10:00am ~ 8:00pm
2nd,4th SUN 12:00pm ~ 6:00pm
1st,3rd,5th SUN Closed
Phone: (808)-979-9000
E-mail : info@oasisspahi.com
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