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2 18

2011/02/18 8:40 

Aloha, it's Kukui.

Do you know Li hing Mui ? If you know this, you are the great ALOHA Hawaiian lovers!

The Crack Seed Store in kaimuki was established in April,1979.

Kaimuki regident loves this store and this owner "Kon Ping Young and Fung Tang Young"

Kon Ping is working so hard everyday!
These crack seeds are all imported from Hong Kong. And he must choose FRESH and high quality seeds every time.

what this???........but taste is good!

Debbie Fabrigas is one of the customers at the crack seed. She bought "Chili Rock Salt plum" which is her favorite seed.

Kon ping is very happy to work for everyone.

I felt that he has a lots of ALOHA for his customer......
if you wan to go back Old Hawaiian nostalgy store, you should go the Crack Seed Store!!

I wil update more about how people like this store and Top 5 favorite flaver next time.

By Kukui

Crack Seed Store
1156  Koko Head Ave.
Kaimuki, Hawaii

Phone 808-737-1022

OPEN 10pm-6pm

Copyright ©2011 Web TV Hawaii


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