During the month of September
Sounding Joy Music Therapy, Inc., has helped hundreds of individuals this year to achieve their goals and improve their quality of life through music therapy. Here's what our clients and caregivers have to say about our services:
“Music Therapy helped with my daughter’s ability to interact and participate in a small, intimate setting. It exposed her to different instrument and rhythm. Music therapy helped her PTSD, and separation anxiety.”
“My daughter loves Music Therapy! It's great for her because it engages her more socially, and she interacts more with her peers!"
“My son likes music, but there are aspects about the session (i.e. sitting in place, respecting others, following directions, social awareness/ appropriateness, group participation, and more) that he is showing progress in."
Your donations help fund scholarships for music therapy, community outreach, advocacy, and travel to community sites all around the islands. For the whole month of September, Sounding Joy will be participating in Give Aloha, Foodland's Annual Community Matching Gifts Program. A percentage of your donation will be matched by Foodland and Western Union Foundation, which makes this the perfect opportunity to share aloha with the hundreds of children, teens, adults, and families in Hawaii who need music therapy services.
To donate, visit the register of your local Foodland or Sack'N'Save store, show your Maika'i card, and give Sounding Joy's organization number, 78277.