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Hawaii Web TV


Feb 8

2/8/2012 9:58 AM 


Aloha, it’s Kukui.

Would you have a dream house in Hawaii?
I know many of people want to have a house in Paradise. Hawaii Web TV is introducing Hawaii’s dream house.
Here is one of successful family‘s house. They moved from Mainland 2003. I have been their friend since they moved in here.

They have worked the house renovation in 3 years. They worked hard  but they mostly enjoyed that process.

I was filming their house yesterday.....


How nice view. it's from the Lanai.

She got this green”Eiffel Tower”  and with raining.....

this is one of her favorite spot ....

It became the life with a view about the anyhow wonderful view every day.

They spent many hours on the renovation  for about three years.
Although i looked from  the renovation .... It was the same level as pro, so that the big window frame was also attached by themself.

This is an actually 'dream house'

By Kukui

Copyright ©2012 Web TV Hawaii


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