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Hawaii Web TV


Jan 26

1/26/2011 7:55 AM 

Aloha, it's Kukui!

We are filming for the openhouse  at Waialae Iki yesterday.
It was a perfect sky at there!!!!

Mrs.Agena who is an orner this house is selling her family house.I will write about this later on.

However we had one big happening.......

My boss is taking care of their camera very well. At the testing in that morning, it was no problem.

We started filming from a lanai and then a living room....

...........But after checking a tape, we found there were noise on the tape. We can not continue to filming yet.....

She went back home and get the new camera. She has learned how to use this camera already and we could continue a filming!
I am proud of my boss!

I will write this open house story later again.

Mahalo(Thank you),

By Kukui

Copyright ©2011 Web TV Hawaii


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